Episode 4

Standing Out In Today’s Workforce

In this 2nd part of a 2-part interview, we welcome back Heather Moyer, Founder and CEO of HNM Systems. Heather provides great insight into what is an “A” player, what she believes people can do to “stand out” and become an “A” player, and why it is important to do what it takes. She also discusses why self motivation, training and educating yourself is critical. She also tells what is the most important relationship you should have today. Why having a “can do” and “will do” attitude will serve you well during your working years. Finally, we discuss leadership, servant leadership, communication, conflict resolution, focus, philanthropy and giving.

Run Time: 25 min 41 sec


About This Episode

In this 2nd part of a 2-part interview, we welcome back Heather Moyer, Founder and CEO of HNM Systems. Heather provides great insight into what is an “A” player, what she believes people can do to “stand out” and become an “A” player, and why it is important to do what it takes. She also discusses why self motivation, training and educating yourself is critical. She also tells what is the most important relationship you should have today. Why having a “can do” and “will do” attitude will serve you well during your working years. Finally, we discuss leadership, servant leadership, communication, conflict resolution, focus, philanthropy and giving.

Heather referenced the book titled: “The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results” – you can purchase on Amazon.


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